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User Management

Invite and manage users to your supplier dashboard

User Management

Invite and manage users to your supplier dashboard

Inviting a user

1. On a Supplier Admin profile, select 'Users' from the left hand menu

Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 15.39.31

2. Click "Invite user" on the Users page 

3. Add the email of the user you want to add and select the level of permission.

For a full list of user roles and permissions, see the guide on this page below. 

Note: If you are a multi-tenant organization, you can choose to give your user access to 1 or more of your tenants 


What is a 'tenant'? 

A tenant is a subcategory of your supplier dashboard. Some suppliers have several offices in different countries and their 'tenants' represent the different offices who deal only with certain customers

User Permission Types

A user may be assigned one role for each tenant. (need to confirm how this works)

  Admin Sales Manager Buyers Manager Financial Manager Invoice Coordinator Viewer
View and download invoices
Request coverage for buyers  
Add and edit Buyer details    
Create and edit invoices ✅       
Add and edit Supplier bank details        
Edit Supplier business details          


Invoice Coordinator 

This type of user may 

  • Send buyers an invitation link to 40Seas 
  • Send buyers a link to approve their invoice 
  • Add invoices to buyers and attach documents to the invoice 
  • Add a credit request to the buyer 
  • Send buyers link to add their payment details 

The administrator of your organization can change the level of permissions for their users at anytime 

Buyer Management 

This type of user may 

  • Edit the business information of the buyer 
  • Create a credit request under a buyer 
  • Send buyers an invitation link to 40Seas 
  • Send buyers link to add their payment details 

This type of user cannot:

  • Add or cancel invoices
  • Attach documents to invoices