1.打开/关闭 发送给我(Sent to me)的通知
- 买家付款/还款状态通知(Charge updates)
买家已付款成功(Buyer payment processed successfully)
买家已完成支付(Buyer completed payment request flow)
- 买家额度更新状态通知(Credit line updates)
买家额度审批通过(Buyer was approved for credit line)
买家额度未通过(Buyer was declined for credit line)
- 发票状态通知(Invoice updates)
40Seas审核通过账期发票(Net term invoice was confirmed by 40Seas)
新发票签发(Invoice issued to buyer)
- 应收账款通知(Payout updates)
应收账款已到账并记入余额,可提现(Payout amount was added to available balance)
应收账款批量提现(Bulk payout initiated)
2.打开/关闭 发送给我同事(Sent to organization)的通知
邮件内容和发送给我(send to me)一样。
点击 添加 抄送收件人(Add recipients to copy),输入邮箱,按回车键保存。点击输入框可继续添加多个收件人。3.打开/关闭 发送给买家(Sent to buyer)的通知
点击 添加 抄送收件人(Add recipients to copy),输入邮箱,按回车键保存。点击输入框可继续添加多个收件人。- 支付通知(Charge updates)
扣款已发起(Confirmation on charge initiated)
扣款已定时(Confirmation on charge scheduled)
扣款已完成(Confirmation on charge completed)
收款银行详情(Bank Transfer instructions)
新发票签发(Invoice issued to buyer)
提醒买家确认发票(Reminder to buyer to confirm an invoice)
还款提醒(Upcoming charge reminder)
发票过期提醒(Reminder to buyer for overdue invoice)
付款失败通知(Failed payment notification)
- 额度更新通知(Credit line updates)
额度申请通过(Credit line approval)
额度申请拒绝(Credit line decline)
额度申请提交完成(Credit application submitted)
额度释放(Credit released)
提醒补充额度申请资料(Reminder to buyer to complete credit application requirements)
银行账号解绑(Bank account disconnected)